With GoForIt Walk&Win, I am now close to the SICOS project for Odem and ORS, so that the team creates a Pokémon-Go application for coupons and rewards.
The project
The GoForIt app’s nut marketing overview helps you understand how the foods will interact with your favorite dishes. However, if you don’t know what you’re looking for, you don’t have to worry about it, it’s even more free of charge, if you’re interested, you don’t have to worry about it, on an internal platform you can also check it out. What is the principle behind GoForIt?
Zunächst wird das zu bewerbende Product im GoForIt-System erfasst et zu einem Gutschein (Goupon genannt) verarbeitet – zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt wird this Aufgabe auch ganz leicht vom Werbetreibenden self übernommen werden können. Using a GoForIt interface, groups can be created individually and on the interactive map. Über die Karte mit eingebautem Goupon-Radar können die Gutscheine dann von Nutzern gefunden und eingesammelt werden.
For the Zukunft ist geplant, Goupons in mehrere Einzelteile (intern also “Gos” genannt) zu unterteilen, die dann zu einem ganzen Coupon zusammen gefügt werden müssen. The Verteilung et la Erstellung der Goupons geschieht mit derrechnung von Goins, de GoForIt Walk&Win erschaffenen en Crypto-Einheit. The GoForIt used as Goin is a utility token; die im Rahmen der Geschäftstätigkeit eingezogenen Goins werden vernichtet und einer nochmaligen Verwendung dauerhaft entzogen). User groups need to find direct services, go to the app marketplace and find interesting products. Hierfür wurde eigens aine Spielwährung geschaffen über die Winnspiele et User Challenges abgebildet werden können.
The Blockchain (Goin Token) is available with GoForIt in the form of user power-ups for an installation. This user is the user bspw. The Goupons are now effective on the interactive map of the whole, and the Fangradius is located through the Besitz von Goins enlarged. Here is under anderem through transparency the transfer of customers into the Token is guaranteed. While the current problem of Blockchain technology takes place in the background, and other processes take place in a decentralized manner. Pages with GoForIt Walk&Win den Token Stück for Stück vom Markt zurücknehmen and our services will be available. For the future, you will find more features, such as a gold system for a group of groups with family and friends at the starting locations. The Implementation is based on the fact that the App is already available and is ready for you to use.
More information can be found here Website or me Telegram Channel.
ICO and Dragonex
With a click on the current ICO market page, the team suggested GoForIt to create a big angel ICO, which has not yet been found on the market, and is also very effective. The public sale is free of charge and is not available in small races. Therefore, 54% of the total supplies of 12.5 billion GOI were sold (no sold tokens were added to the purchase). With the search for available tokens, you get an ICO price in a public sale of 0.00016 EUR. The token of the Private Sales costs 12 coins and the Teams 24 monates were earned. After the ICO, the GOI and the Chinese exchange DragonEx are frozen and can exit the USDT.
Interview with Michael Stamp and Torge Naß
AS: Me Michael and Torge, thank you very much, that you have lived this time. One day I am here on the blog of BlockV, a project that aims at the infrastructure for the emission of generated VAtoms and the first in New York, based on the blockchain, with “free products” in New York. How did you create your BlockV and is it the ideal place?
TN: Hello Lukas, as GoForIt Media AG and responsible for the GoForIt Walk and Win platform, we are a little bit listening to the direction of everyday life, our project is here to help you. Your page with BlockV, GoForIt Walk&Win has come to the market as BlockV. There is a great greedy platform with game elements and versions that are not yet available, more inside. It is possible for us in the future, our features are available on the best possible service for our customers and players. A branded Unterschied lies in our internal Gutscheinmarket, on the players their Goupons can trade under. So, every time, it was really useful.
AS: You usually have such an idea that Blockchain is useful? Is it possible to give you a complete idea of another Blockchain and Ethereum umsteigt?
MS: An introduction to another Blockchain is not necessary to create a business, but it is not yet in use, when another Blockchain has better implementation capabilities. We are already interested in the ERC 20 Standard, but we are also saying it and doing other high-quality projects. We offer to offer you better alternatives often possible.
AS: Um im Marketingbereich erfolgreich zu sein bedarf es zahlreicher Partnerschaften et Promoter. What do you think of GoForIt?
MS: GoForIt Walk and Win offers a complete solution here, with a small platform, a new and interesting understanding of your products, new products to use them and make them accessible to everyone. ternehmenserfolg spielerisch zu vergrößern. On the other hand, the site is natural too, the mass of people who are interested in it is in all the Lebenslagen and über alle Konsumbereiche hinweg Geld zu saven. Also this Grund öffnen wir our selbstverständlich platform auch großen Ketten et Anbietern von Massenwaren, azu gehört auch du Markt für Lebensmittel. Für alle Segmente können und wollen wir etwas anbieten. Das geht von der Schnitzeljagd für Touristen, bis hin zum zum Wochenend – Familienshopping bei dem etwas findet – hierbei bieten sich inbesondere Kooperativeen mit Einkaufszentren oder Flaniermeilen an. Zur Zeit will work to help you gain affiliate customers from a user from a large and diverse provider to help you. For the start there is a stand of Zahl von Anbietern zum Entdecken bereit, which acts sind es bereits gut 150 Partner die es spielerisch zu entdecken dor. This robot comes from Zug to Zug via our local robots.
AS: Benötigen Unternehmer Blockchain-Kenntnisse bzw. Token for your startup campaign?
TN: We offer you solutions in Krypto as well as in Fiat. Ultimately, Fall will be used by yourself and token in entsprechender Höhe aufwenden um die Campagne zu starten. This is also no surprise for Blockchain-Kenntnisse mitbringen entrepreneurs. Davon abgesehen cann es meiner Überzeugung nach natürlich generally nicht schaden, wenn Unternehmer sich mit der Technologie beschäftigen – self wenn sie keine keine unmittelbare Verwendung dafür haben.
AS: How is the ICO looking for a very small development cycle and the token is easy to listen to? Was it bedeutet das für Investoren?
MS: The investment is happening in a company, but there is no big ICO at the time when the original 20 million euros were melted and which were contracted with the establishment of an intermediate operation. GoForIt aims to create token-selling facilities that are genau gerechnet and geprüft, welche Mittel für die Umsetzung and die Development der Idea necesary sind. While this planning abgesclossen war, we were overtaken by the Ziel defined as effective erreicht werden kann – here you will get the idea of an idea in a small rounde durchgeführten ICO durch. The advantages of Mittel were to be easily transferred and with a lower market capitalization in a Listing to start up had to be in the transition either as a first mover. For investors – as a first mover – they want to make sure that they do well, even if the Goin has never had so much fun doing it. In the first 12 months, we got 10% for the Goin Token to exist in the company. During a 24-month installation period, the transaction was up to 73% of the token in its entirety. Also these steps are well transferred and only hand in hand with the angestrebten Wachstum of GoForIt geschehen. Thanks to the efforts of GoForIt Walk&Win, the Goin has gained popularity – with positive effects for the next steps of the Goin. The Investorensicht is also a very wishful scenario. For all interested job seekers, any new part with a high potential such as you have a good address. This potential has also been created by our partner DragonEx and a listing has been selected for you. andern Anbietern einen strategischen Vorteil zu verschaffen.
DragonEx’s listing is also interesting in view of GoForIt. DragonEx’s direct contact with the Chinese market is one of our biggest things, when the international application is available – China is here twice one of the most interesting European markets.
AS: Danke, dass ihr euch die Zeit genommen habt!
-Lukas Fiedler
Disclaimer – Note on the contract of interest: The author or group of the autorentams is in the objects genannten Kryptowährungen oneself invests or is placed in these investments (Dies wird ab jetzt standardmäßig unter jedem Articles erscheinen, da es sein kann, dass zu einem Zeitpunkt nach Veröffentlichung des Articles invested wurde).