This decision comes in the midst of an increasingly favorable political climate for digital assets, reinforced by recent layoffs of dry affairs against cryptographic companies.
American legislators have taken a major step towards the abolition of the controversial “broker regime”, which would oblige digital asset brokers to report transactions to the Internal Revenue Service. The Chamber’s Road and Meaning Committee has adopted a resolution to repeal the regulations, arguing that it is impracticable and threatens the country’s leaders in matters of financial innovation. If the resolution erases the room and the Senate, he will then go to President Donald Trump for approval.
Scheduled in 2027, the rule would oblige decentralized scholarships to report raw crypto sales products, including the details of taxpayers. Critics say that this would give an excessive burden to the DEFI platforms, which do not collect such data, while giving foreign cryptographic companies an unjust advantage. Miller Whitehouse-Levine of the DEFI Education Fund described the rule of “illegal and unconstitutional overcoming” which must be canceled to protect financial freedom.
The chairman of the way and means committee, Jason Smith, sentenced the regulations, declaring that he had been pushed in the last days of former President Joe Biden and would create excessive documents that the IRS cannot manage. With a congress led by the Republicans and a growing pro-Crypto feeling in Washington, the chiefs of the industry think that the United States government could soon become more favorable to digital assets. The recent rejection of several dry cases against cryptographic companies suggests a change to a more user -friendly regulatory environment.
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