With a constant scholarship on the market, the prospects of the T1 2025 question market become obvious as until the editorial staff of March 21, 2025; The market capitalization of cryptocurrency is 2.71 billions of dollars with a drop of 12.24% in one month and 17.28% in the weekly framework.
The question becomes more crucial when it was observed that on the 1st day of 2025, the market capitalization of the cryptography market was close to the brand of 3.20 billions of dollars, and on the same day, the index of fear and greed was 49 years when a neutrality in feeling and bitcoin was recorded at $ 93,425.
To beat 4 billions of dollars, the market must also change its gears, but to date, the bullish momentum is just observed, but domination is by bears due to the future and the option expired by the end of this month.
Only an unprecedented case could help the market reach 4 dollars, and it cannot be said that the milestone could be tested by the wider market by the end of this year. Main factors influencing the index of fear and greed
Several factors affect the index of fear and greed; However, some main ones are the prices of major cryptocurrencies, major decisions of nations such as the United States, and also affected by the growing commercial volume and declining digital assets.
According to tradingView data, the cryptography market has experienced higher heights, especially from October 2024 in mid-February 2025, but the market gains seem to have been flowing in recent weeks, and the liquidation has crossed the $ 1 billion brand. Source: tradingView
Before 2025, it was advanced by a few known experts claiming that the ceiling would reach 4 dollars of dollars in the first quarter of 2025 and would have had an eye of 5.20 billions of dollars by the year; However, the arguments have remained, and now the market is less than 3 billions of dollars.
During writing, market capitalization was less than the exponential mobile average of 20, 50, 100 and 200 days. It should be noted that the annual lowest for fear and greed was recorded on March 11, 2025, at 15 years old; On the other hand, it was the highest recorded at 88
The domination of the Bitcoin market followed a bullish path with growth of 5.39% in the quarterly frame, 6.21% in the last 6 months and more than 14% in 52 weeks. The data available on tradingView note that BTC has maintained its position on the market but Ethereum continued to lose funds as well as TVL. Source: tradingView
The Bitcoin Prize has also shown a downward dynamic with the brand of $ 85,000 to $ 85,000 $ 83,251, it also fell below the crucial EMA of 20, 50, 100 and 200 days.
The BTC is down 12.58% in the monthly trading range and reflected a drop of approximately 14% in the last three months. A sudden mull momentum in the prices of almost all cryptocurrencies was observed with the BTC recording a summit of $ 109,000, which sparked the speculation on it of $ 120,000 by the end of the first quarter of 2025.
However, the writing of the market seems to be struggling and plummeting below the green line and the bulls are constantly seen draw feelings as well as prices. © Today