One of the main defenders of the United States for decentralized finance (DEFI), Miller Whitehouse-Levine, leaves his job as an executive director of the DEFI Education Fund, where he will be replaced by the group’s legal director, Amanda Tuminelli.
Whitehouse-Levine, a match in the circles of American cryptography, will remain on the organization’s board of directors, according to an announcement on Thursday, and a person familiar with his plans said that he would play a role not yet announced which maintains him in the lobbying of the industry.
“I made the difficult decision to leave my current role at the foundation of the DEFI education to continue a new opportunity-a decision finally made it easy knowing that leadership, passion and the brightness of Amanda will lead to new heights at the service of the Defi community,” he said in a declaration of Thursday on the transition from the group, which was established in 2021.
The DEFI area of the digital asset sector has experienced a major victory in recent days when the Congress has progressed towards the elimination of a recent Biden Administration rule of the Internal Revenue Service which would have imposed requests for potentially ruinous compliance with DEFI projects.
“For the first time in the history of DEFI, there is a significant and bipartisan group of American decision -makers and regulators of cryptography legislation, the legislation of sensitive cryptography, regulatory frameworks, and the way in which they adapt to technological innovation, and our mission at the bottom of EDUCATION FUND has never been so important,” said Tuminelli in a declaration.