January 16, 2024
The EEA Defi Risk Assessment, Management and Accounting Working Group (commonly referred to as the “DRAMA Working Group”) today published a draft revision of its Discussion Paper on Defi Risk Guidelines. The group is inviting public comments on the draft until 15 April 2024. The draft revision is available at:
The discussion paper offers a guide to the risks of working with DeFi, and how to assess, manage, account for, and mitigate them. Primarily written for DeFi protocol users and investors, it is also relevant for protocol developers looking to minimize risks in their protocol. Likewise, it may also be useful, and the working groups hope that it will be informed by feedback from standard setters and regulators.
The working group has been developing this document over the past year, with contributors from large and small companies specializing in relevant areas such as DeFi, accounting, risk management, and information security.
Please provide your feedback via the EEA website contact page. For more information on what feedback is sought, please see the Feedback section of the document itself.
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