The Foundation has undertaken to support the community consensus on the decision of Fork Hard certainly difficult. Seeing the results of various measures, including the adoption of carbonvote, DAPP and ecosystem infrastructure, this means that we will focus our resources and our attention on the chain which is now called ETH (that is to say the fork chain). That said, we recognize that the Ethereum code can be used to instantiate other blockchains with the same consensus rules, including fabric tests, consortium and private channels, clones and fallout, and have never been opposite to such instance.
All users who had ETH before the 19,20000 block now have both ETH (the fork chain) and etc. (Community effort to continue the chain without fork). Users are generally informed that most default defects from Ethereum customers, including customers developed by the Foundation and by third parties (for example, parity) will select the ETH channel; If you are offered a choice on a fork in the MIST interface, the “yes” selection on this choice will direct you to this channel.
Users who wish to take measures with their etc, including creation and participation in applications, converting to another asset, it is advisable to use The separator contract address 0xabb6bebfa05aa13e908ea492bd7a83437604777 To move their etc to a newly created separate account in order to avoid replaying attacks; We also encourage the community, etc. to consider adopting a secondary hard fork to modify the transaction formats to make additional rereading attacks impossible. Until it happens, once ETH and etc. are “divided”, they must be managed via separate wallets.
To use the separator contract inside the Ethereum portfolio, click on the contracts -> Look at the contract, copy the address and ABI from the etherscan page linked above, then click “OK”; Then click on the contract in the Contracts tab, select “Write to the contract” and select the “Split” function. He will ask for two addresses; For the first, put the address where you want your eth to go (do not hesitate to put the same address you send), for the second, put the address where you want the etc ille. First of all, be sure to try with a very small amount of ether to check that it works before increasing the amount. You can use the Ethereum Classic Explore here To verify that the sales, etc. were transferred. A more detailed guide to the community can be found here.