The last post is from September 25, 2019, it can expand on new ICOs in the man who can invest and yet a new project, a real post that is the cause. How also, with the blog of the Altcoinspekulant? This page made me think about other gestures of a month and took place in a clean way in two functions: the publisher’s news site with content updates and formats specific to the BTC echo or Cryptomonday, or the second option, for me. nach einiger Überlegung entschlossen hatte.
A print magazine. Also run on the Theme Blockchain.

Klingt abwegig? This is not the case: many men are behind the Blockchain and Bitcoin, often confronted with a diversity of technologies of the new technology – they are still today in a scientific magazine, which has a described theme.
Was it also the Blockmagazin?
The Blockmagazin is the first German-language magazine, which is not a fan of Blockchain technology and ICOs, but is also available with just one click, as this is offered by various specialists. The first ausgabe umfasst:
- Detailed article: What is the function of Blockchain? Was this the case with ICOs?
- 13 articles on over 100 pages: An overview of various services and application tips – for Smart Containers, Modum, Enerchain and the WZL der RWTH Aachen
- Die Cover-Story, the uber of the German Blockchain-Ökosystem and its Regular content
- A general glossary
- A basic game on Blockv

Why is Blockmagazin available?
This magazine is intended for everyone, studies on Blockchain have taken place and give an overview of the facade of companies which are easily illuminated. Dabei geht es weniger um technische Aspekte und Details, sodass auch Neueinsteiger zusammen mit den erklärenden Artikeln zu Beginn alles verstehen können – ideal also für Freunde und Familie, denen man bisher als Blockchain-Experte nicht immer alles in langwierigen Gesprächen erklären wollte.

Who can use Blockmagazin?
The Blockmagazin was published on July 6, 2020 at major train stations and airports in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and is also available online at for 8 euros (9 euros in Austria and 9 CHF in Switzerland).