Cryptocurrency trading relies on one central factor: liquidity.
Liquidity is the ability of a cryptocurrency to be bought, sold, or exchanged for another without affecting its price. High liquidity in a cryptocurrency ecosystem allows for fast exchanges for all parties involved and is the hallmark of a stable currency.
On the other hand, a cryptocurrency with low liquidity means that selling or buying that currency may be impossible. Simply put, there may not be enough currency to facilitate your transaction, or there may be no one looking to buy it at that time. The world’s largest cryptocurrencies have extremely high liquidity, with the substantial daily trading volume of currencies like Bitcoin demonstrating their liquidity.
While major cryptocurrencies enjoy high liquidity simply because of the demand that comes with them, not all cryptocurrencies are in the same boat. In order to solve liquidity issues, some providers will rely on crypto market makers. In this article, we will learn what a crypto market maker is and describe how they benefit the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
What is a Crypto Market Maker?
A cryptocurrency market maker is a company, platform, or system that helps increase the liquidity of a cryptocurrency. Market makers will actively receive information from buyers and sellers, noting the price at which an asset is bought and sold. By quickly analyzing this information, they can determine a more accurate value for the cryptocurrency.
From there, a crypto market maker will place a large number of buy and sell offers on the market using the precise prices they have established. By creating these offers, they ensure that whenever someone goes to trade that currency or currency pair, there is always enough liquidity for the transaction to take place.
Especially for cryptocurrencies that are just starting to find their feet in the industry, the availability of market makers to provide liquidity can be a major asset. Typically, market makers offer these services in partnership with certain cryptocurrencies or in order to make a small profit between the different price spreads they offer.
How do cryptocurrency market markers benefit cryptocurrencies?
Cryptocurrency market makers often have a direct connection to the success of a cryptocurrency. Without available liquidity, a trade simply cannot take place because there are not enough people looking to buy or sell at a certain price to meet and trade cryptocurrencies. Particularly on large-scale trading platforms, a lack of liquidity can impact the profits of the exchange itself, as it is unable to profit from a small margin on active trades.
Market makers are also commonplace in centralized markets, with many companies specializing in providing liquidity to certain markets. The blockchain industry is no exception, with its 24/7 operation requiring a high degree of liquidity to ensure that traders around the world can trade on demand.
Beyond simply providing liquidity, crypto market markers have several benefits in the broader crypto ecosystem.
Connecting buyers and sellers
While cryptocurrency market makers create their own offers, they also act as a connecting mechanism between buyers and sellers. Without liquidity, when a seller wants to move their cryptocurrency, they can’t do so because there is no existing demand. Similarly, if a buyer were to place an order, there would be no seller to supply the desired cryptocurrency.
With this in mind, creating a bid system ensures that either party is instantly connected to a counterparty. The seller is able to sell through the market maker, which in turn ensures that there will then be liquidity available when a buyer comes along.
By facilitating these transactions, cryptocurrency market makers ensure that there is always liquidity flowing in and out in the form of new transactions. While some may be covered directly by the creators themselves, others may take the form of a connection between buyers and sellers facilitated by the platform.
Stabilize prices
Another essential function of cryptocurrency market makers is to identify the current value of a cryptocurrency and create buy and sell orders to ensure that transactions consistently occur at fair rates for all parties involved. When there is a lack of liquidity in an ecosystem, a buyer may be forced to pay far more than they want to buy from the only person actively selling their cryptocurrency.
A market maker overcomes this problem by ensuring that a fair price is always available to anyone who wants to buy or sell. This approach reduces the likelihood of a major price swing, helping to create a more consistent and stable cryptocurrency.
Building market confidence
One of the major benefits of having cryptocurrency market makers in the blockchain community as a whole is that it helps improve investor confidence in a cryptocurrency. Many cryptocurrencies have had a difficult past, most notably during the crypto winter, which reduced public confidence in their value as an investment.
When a cryptocurrency has a high amount of liquidity, a large number of transactions occur with that cryptocurrency every day. When investors look at major cryptocurrencies and see a constant influx of new transactions and a high daily trading volume, this demonstrates the reliability of the cryptocurrency.
Over time, the sustainable liquidity that market markers can bring to the industry helps create a better investment culture for all parties.
Final thoughts
Cryptocurrency market makers are a vital part of the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem. Without a reliable flow of liquidity, many cryptocurrencies would not be able to establish a network of active traders. The ability of market makers to use data collection and synthesis to determine the accurate costs of certain cryptocurrencies, and then provide liquidity to buyers and sellers, helps keep money flowing in and out of the blockchain ecosystem.
High-volume crypto market makers are essential to the longevity and continued health of cryptocurrencies and their relevant pairs. Whether through a corporation, a whale investor, or an exchange, major exchanges regularly rely on market makers to streamline trading and ensure that any transaction has sufficient liquidity to take place.